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How to make your Social Networks more Accessible

July 18, 2023

Social networks are an important tool for companies and institutions, but it is often forgotten that they must be accessible to all people, regardless of their disabilities. In this article, we will explore different ways that social media can be more accessible to people with disabilities.

  • Use image descriptions in posts

Image descriptions are alt text that can be added to images that are posted on social media. These texts describe the image so that people with visual impairments can understand what is being shown. By using image descriptions, companies and institutions can ensure that their content is accessible to everyone.

  • Ensure videos have subtitles and transcripts

Videos posted on social media should have subtitles and transcripts so that people with hearing disabilities can understand the content. Subtitles are text that is displayed at the bottom of the video and describes what is being said. Transcripts are written documents that contain everything that is said in the video. By ensuring that videos have subtitles and transcripts, companies and institutions can make their content accessible to everyone.

  • Use appropriate color contrast

Color contrast is important for people with visual impairments. If the colors used in posts have inadequate contrast, people with visual impairments may have difficulty reading the content. Companies and institutions should ensure that the colors used in publications have adequate contrast to ensure that the content is accessible to all people.

  • Ensure links are descriptive

Links used in posts must be descriptive so that people with visual impairments can understand the content. Links must describe the content of the page being linked to. For example, instead of using a link that says "click here," you should use a link that describes the content of the page you are linking to, such as "read our article on digital accessibility." By ensuring links are descriptive, companies and institutions can make their content accessible to everyone.


Digital accessibility on social media is crucial to ensuring content is accessible to everyone, regardless of your abilities. Using image descriptions, ensuring videos have captions and transcripts, using appropriate color contrast, and ensuring links are descriptive are just a few ways businesses and institutions can improve accessibility in their social media posts. .

If you wish offer your users complete universal accessibility, Do not hesitate to contact us here.

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