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The impact of Web Accessibility on SEO

September 2, 2023

Web accessibility is essential to ensure that all people can use and navigate websites effectively. However, its importance goes beyond inclusion.

Web accessibility also plays a vital role in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and the overall performance of a website. Below, we highlight the main points of impact of web accessibility on SEO and why it is essential for all types of businesses, companies and institutions.


1. Improve User Experience (UX)
Web accessibility focuses on making content understandable and usable for all users, regardless of their disabilities. This results in a more positive user experience, which in turn reduces bounce rate and increases the time visitors spend on your site. Search engines value a good user experience and reward sites that offer it with higher rankings in search results.


2. Compliance with WCAG Guidelines
The WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) are internationally recognized standards for web accessibility. Adhering to these guidelines not only helps you reach a broader audience, but also improves your search engine rankings. Search engines favor content that meets accessibility standards, which can translate into better rankings in search results.


3. Increased Visibility and Organic Traffic
An accessible website is more visible to search engines, meaning it is more likely to appear in relevant search results. This increases organic traffic to your site, which is essential for online visibility and attracting new visitors.


4. Bounce Rate Reduction
Web accessibility focuses on providing clear, well-organized content. When users can easily find what they are looking for and navigate without obstacles, they are less likely to leave your site quickly (low bounce rate). A low bounce rate is a positive indicator for search engines and can improve your rankings.


5. Access to Unexplored Market Segments
By making your website accessible, you are opening the door to previously untapped market segments. This can result in a more diverse audience and opportunities for growth. Search engines value audience diversity, which can positively influence SEO.


Web accessibility is not an aspect that should be overlooked. For all types of businesses, companies and institutions, web accessibility is essential.

Not only does it meet legal obligations, but it also has a significant impact on online visibility, organic traffic, and user experience. No matter the size of your business or the industry you operate in, web accessibility is a key factor in online success.


Interested in Improving the Accessibility of your Website?
If you are interested in making your website more accessible and benefiting from better SEO, we are here to help! Contact us today through our Contact Form and one of our accessibility experts will provide you with personalized advice and begin the process of making your website more inclusive and successful.

Web accessibility and SEO go hand in hand, and we're here to make sure they're both under control.

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