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Myths about Web Accessibility

October 18, 2023

Web accessibility is a fundamental topic in website creation, but unfortunately, many myths and misunderstandings have arisen around this important aspect. In this post, we will debunk some of the most common myths related to web accessibility:


  • Myth 1: Web accessibility is very expensive

One of the most widespread myths is that web accessibility entails exorbitant costs. In reality, many web accessibility practices are simple to implement and do not require large investments. Additionally, an accessible website can increase your audience and, in the long term, improve your site's reputation.

  • Myth 2: People with disabilities do not use the web

This myth is completely false. People with disabilities actively use the web and depend on it for various activities, from education to job search. To ignore web accessibility is to exclude a significant portion of the online audience.

  • Myth 3: One plugin is enough

No, web accessibility is not solved simply by installing a plugin. Although plugins can be useful, accessibility involves a comprehensive strategy that includes design, structure, content, and web development. A holistic approach is essential to achieve true accessibility.

  • Myth 4: My clients are not disabled, I don't need it

It is not safe to assume that your clients do not have disabilities. Disabilities may be temporary, situational, or not evident to the naked eye. Additionally, web accessibility benefits all users, not just those with disabilities.

  • Myth 5: Accessible websites are only for people with disabilities

Web accessibility is not about creating websites exclusively for people with disabilities. Rather, it is about creating an inclusive website that is used and enjoyed by everyone. Web accessibility translates into a better experience for all users.

  • Myth 6: Accessible websites are ugly

This myth is especially harmful. Web accessibility does not mean that a site must be visually unpleasant. An accessible design can be just as attractive and functional as any other design. The key is planning and proper implementation.


Web accessibility is a crucial aspect of web development that should not be overlooked or underestimated. By demystifying these misconceptions, we hope more people recognize the importance of creating a web that is accessible to everyone.

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